What We Learned Last Night
Here's what we learned last night:
- Voters really, really, really hate Obama. (Or, as Politico put it, voters hate everyone.)
- Ed Gillespie could ask for a recount in the Senate race. But Warner's lead (I've seen anywhere from 12000 to 15000 votes, although it could be a few thousand less), is too large to be overcome in any realistic scenario. Recounts have led to changes in election results, but only when the vote differences were in the hundreds, not the thousands.
- In the VA 7th, Jack Trammell didn't get very far with his message of bipartisanship: preliminary results suggest he received less than 37% of the vote. But in a heavily Republican district, in a year in which Democrats got annihilated, that number actually isn't so bad. Considering that he barely even had a website when he started, I think Jack should be proud of how far he came.
- Brat's decisive victory could be seen as a validation of his media strategy, which was... to avoid the media. After some early stumbles, Brat famously ducked debate opportunities and allowed only limited media access. Instead, he relied on the demographics of the district, as well as Republican and Tea Party endorsements. Plus Brat was out in the district, attending meetings with friendly civic associations and hitting gun shows and fairs. He did everything he needed to do in order to not screw this thing up, and so he's going to Washington next week.