I served with liberals. I know liberals. Dave Brat, you're no liberal.

In Saturday's Richmond-Times Dispatch, Bob Raynor offers "a few local observations" on Cantor's primary loss. Raynor points to Cantor's depiction of Dave Brat as a "liberal college professor," and explains how well that went over in the district:

The claim was absurd, easily proven absurd and once proved absurd beyond any reasonable doubt, an insult to the intelligence of anyone exposed to it. And, boy, were we exposed to it.

Absurd doesn't even seem strong enough: preposterous? Deranged? Anyone who's talked with Dave for five minutes knows he's about as far from liberal as you can get. Cantor's ads felt like dispatches from an alternate reality. (Maybe Cantor was actually being advised by Walter Bishop. Or one of them.)

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