Action in Richmond, not just Iowa Richard MeagherFebruary 2, 2016VaGA, VAHouse, VASenate, lobbyingComment
Bloomberg wasn't on the ballot Richard MeagherNovember 5, 2015VASD10, VASenate, elections, Dan Gecker, Glen SturtevantComment
VA Senate at stake on Tuesday... sort of Richard MeagherNovember 1, 2015Glen Sturtevant, Dan Gecker, VAGov, VASenate, VAHouse, electionsComment
VA Senate 10 shows why going negative works Richard MeagherOctober 15, 2015VASenate, VASD10, Dan Gecker, Glen Sturtevant, CampaignsComment
Attacks start in VA Senate 10 race Richard MeagherSeptember 29, 2015VASenate, VA Senate10, CampaignsComment
So Long VA Redistricting Deadline Richard MeagherSeptember 1, 2015VA3, Dave Brat, VASenate, VAHouse, VaRedistrictingComment
Morrissey and felony convictions (but not his) Richard MeagherApril 7, 2015Joe Morrissey, VASenateComment