“Anyone who wants to make a difference in politics needs to start with this book.”
About Local Politics Matters
It feels like politics counts more today than it ever has. At the same time, people are frustrated by “the mess in Washington” or think “I can’t make a difference.” Local Politics Matters shows a way out: a chance for everyday people to feed their hunger for political action while having a positive impact. Richard Meagher, a professor of political science, takes the knowledge that scholars have gathered from half a century of studying local politics, and translates it into clear action steps for citizens. In a time where people are seeing how important their state and local governments are on matters of policing, public health, and housing, Local Politics Matters is a book for readers who want to make a difference.
Local Politics Matters:
• Explains local government. There are over 90,000 local governments in America. Do you have a “strong-mayor” or “council-mayor” system of government? Who sits on your “board of supervisors”? What the heck is a “selectman”?!
• Shows why you should care. Local politics offers access—officials are literally the people in your neighborhood—and impact: you can make a difference.
• Lays out what to do. In local politics, sometimes there are right answers. The book explores six issues where only one path makes sense, and then follows up with specific steps to get involved.
Praise for Local Politics Matters
“Americans are so focused on the chaos and gridlock of Washington, D.C. that they can easily lose track of where government impacts them the most—at the local level. It is the arena of local government, whether it involves planning commissions, school boards, city councils or boards of supervisors, where one or several committed persons can change the direction of a community. Dr. Meagher has written an easily accessible book for citizens who want to understand how local government works, and how individuals can engage to improve their communities.”
— David J. Toscano, former Mayor, City of Charlottesville, and former Delegate to the Virginia House of Delegates
"Meagher’s book comes at the right time, as this country is being shaken by a pandemic and a revitalized social justice movement. He shows how more attention and engagement with local politics can provide effective and positive responses to the challenges they place before our nation."
— Nick Licata, Author of "Becoming a Citizen Activist," Founding Board Chair of Local Progress and former Seattle City Council President
“For people who think they hate politics, this book is an essential read. Not only does Local Politics Matters shine a light on the misunderstood world of local politics, it gives residents the knowledge and tools they need to get involved. As a local official, I welcome greater understanding of what I do - and more participation from residents who want to make their community a better place to live. This book is exactly what local politics needs.”
— Kristen Nye, City Council Member, Richmond VA
“As a local government employee by day and community advocate by night, I know Dr. Meagher's clear explanation of local government will make it easy for people to better understand what's going on, thus reducing their fear to engage. His central message that we need to take our energy, anxiety, and even anger about national politics and pour it into local action, is the perfect antidote for our political paralysis.”
— Garet Prior, AICP, Oregon-based urban planner and blogger, A Garet in Wilsonville
"Tip O'Neill said that all politics is local. 16 years' service on Town Council brought that home again and again. Anyone who wants to make a difference in politics needs to start with this book; Richard Meagher recognizes that small towns make big decisions, and that the best way to have an impact is to pay attention to your local government."
— Dr. George Spagna, Former Mayor, Town of Ashland, VA
IndieBound (order through local booksellers!): https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781590566190
Amazon: https://amzn.to/35k3t5Z
Lantern Publishing & Media: https://lanternpm.org/books/local-politics-matters/